The Element of Elements: The Theory and History Behind Chinese Medicine
Did you know that nearly 3000 years ago, China was among the leaders in health care? Did you know that many modern drugs are derived from Chinese medicines? Or that personalities...
Food for Life: Food for Thought About Your Pet’s Diet
Healthy food for life: Food is more than just simple nutrition – it gives the body the energy, the tools to create a healthy immune system, and is the foundation of a healthy...
Chill and Heal – Cold Therapy Laser Treatment in Pets
What is a therapy laser? A therapy laser is a device that provides non-ionizing light that can use the body’s own light receptors to make changes within cells. It provides a form...
When Needles become Needed
When Needles become Needed: Watching your pet get older is hard. They are slower to rise, slower to greet you at the door. They cannot run as long or as far, or play the way they...
The Price of Caring
The Price of Caring: Veterinary medicine - it's expensive, both financially and emotionally. While very few of us are prepared for a veterinary emergency, owning pets comes with...